
Audio Mixing & Mastering Services • Music Production • Virtual Collaboration

Sign Up for our E-mail List - Trust me, it's fun.

Hey gang - I've got to ask you for a quick favor! - If you haven't already done so, please sign up for the official JBRecording E-mail list by clicking the link at the bottom of any page on jbrecording.com, or visiting http://eepurl.com/JeAeb

You may be thinking, "Why do I want more spam in my inbox? Why am I going to give some random recording studio my e-mail address?"

Valid points, I agree, but sadly e-mail is one of the few means of communication that's not regulated or throttled. Sometimes that can be a problem, like the copious amounts of advertisement e-mails you get from "those sites you only bought one thing from years ago." I get them too, and even clicking "unsubscribe" in the tiny letters at the bottom doesn't always get you off the list. Not right away, at least. I read an article recently that Facebook limits certain posts from showing up in folks' news feeds... so this means that there may be some cool new thing I'm excited to share with folks but it's getting lost somewhere in Facebookland, and I'm not going to ask people to look at my page every single day. I mean, you're more than welcome to, but I wouldn't expect everyone to do it.

Hence, I set up this little e-mail list. Now, you can get all the good news right from the source! Whenever I post a new blog entry, much like this one, it'll send it out in an e-mail to anyone subscribed the following morning. That way, you wake up and check your mail, and amongst communication from your friends and loved ones will be a note from your friendly neighborhood mobile recording studio with something new and fun.

I hate spam as much as the next guy or gal, so the last thing I'd want to do is spam your inbox. Also, I don't believe in giving away information that isn't mine to begin with, so I don't sell or distribute your contact information to anyone else, and it will remain that way as long as I'm running the show.

So, hop on the e-mail list - you can take advantage of promotions I run just for e-mail list subscribers! You can also hear about upcoming events, radio programs, new features/changes here at the studio, or who knows what else comes down the line!

There are many great ways to interact with us here at JBRecording - follow me on twitter, @jbrecording or Facebook www.facebook.com/jbrecording1, but best of all is this simple little e-mail list. Sign up at the bottom of any page on jbrecording.com or by visiting http://eepurl.com/JeAeb - enjoy!

Have a great day everyone!